Mike Shaffer
Mixed Media Grids

Italian Alps near Pietrasanta, Italy

Trouble Too, Graphite and ball-point pen on canvas,10.0 x 7.5 inches, 1975

Orange Blossom, Acrylic and wax crayon, 12.0 x 9.0 inches on board, 1976
Oops 7, Acrylic, Ink, Crayon and coffee, 23 x 15 inches, 1986

Trouble, Graphite and ball-point pen, 10.0 x 7.5 inches, 1975

Slip Point, Ink on paper,
17.0 x 11.0, inches, 1979

64 On The Floor, Acrylic, crayon and ink on canvas,10.0 x 7.5 inches, 1980

Big Stuff, Acrylic on canvas,
10.0 x 7.0 inches, 1976
I believe there is something fundamental about the order seen in crisscrossing linear elements, especially when they involve 90 degree angles. Works
in this line-based series
grew out of the earlier experimental Ancillary Studies group and were done in a variety of paints, inks, pigments and mark making
devices on various
support mediums. The earliest works were primarily simple grids. Sizes given are for the images only. There are 220 works in this series.

Flag Study, Acrylic on paper 10.0 x 16.0 inches, 1980

Stamp Piece, Acrylics on paper, 15.5 x 10.5 inches,, 1977

Blue Too, Ink on paper,
12.0 x 7.0 inches, 1980